Monday, August 31, 2009
星期六早上,我跟朋友到PJ的new vision badminton center打球,我在Kelana Jaya等他,他住在T.T.D.I. 那里,有钱人=.=
他驾了他的Fairlady 350Z 到Kelana Jaya那儿载我。。。 每次坐他的车,都超紧张的,在公路上超车毫不犹豫,总之有隙缝,就是敢敢siap 进去的。。。还带我到PJ SS2的一间出名槟城的食物的餐馆吃东西 我们两个人一吃就是吃掉RM59.60 全部他付。。。 真的是很不好意思。。
回家的路上,在One-Utama前面的LPD , 被他看到另一辆Fairlady 350Z, 他就油门全开的追了上去,跟人家玩追逐战。。。 吓到我要死 zzzzz
晚上又在Kepong Badminton Center 打球,join早上在我去打球的朋友,这是第一次在KL 一天打两次球。。 幸好下午是有小睡片刻,加上吃了一点koko krunch恢复体力。。。 晚上再去"搏杀"多一次!跟我朋友借了一把Yonex Nanospeed 9900 2U的,只能说一个字 赞 ! 理想的重量,极佳的性能,劈杀,点杀,放网前都很好用!我开始对nanospeed 9900改观了。。。
第二天,星期天我又去rampai 的pro one 打球,昨天的状况不知道是怎么的。。。 超棒!要考试了,都没时间打球了,倒不如放开所有,敢敢地去"hoot"一场够够力力的球呢?所以昨天就突然间抓到了手感,只要是高的球我就杀,越杀越爽。。。可是就算今天打了我也怕下个星期看见球拍,手又痒痒的。。。
算了!干脆就直接昨天打完球后,回到家就把我的羽球线全部剪光光 !我各个朋友以为我都不敢剪,昨天回到家就剪给他们看! 加上我把我的Armortec 900 power送去朋友那儿维修了,基于杀球时,拍杆震到木柄而裂开了,现在需要换一个木柄 。。。 所以我就完全没羽球拍用=没有得打羽球 ! 哈哈哈哈~
还有还有! 由于这几天过度的打球,我的手腕的筋已经开始疼痛了,造成我必须休息。。
一下是裂了木柄的Armortec-900 Power !
手腕受伤了,用Phiten Tape贴着。。。
Friday, August 28, 2009
不是吧?就那么短的一篇blog, 用眼睛瞄几下随便给个comment都好啦! 敷衍我都不可以哦!
心里话: 今天对不起我的banana 的朋友,知道你们会给我comment,可是今天打华语,怕你们不知道。。 如果等下还有心情再写下去,我会translate去英文给你们的!
羽球,众所周知。。。 简着来说,就是人们在球场里面,面对面拿着球拍,挥打有羽毛的球。。。
马来西亚算是在世界上拥有羽球五大强国的国家,这一点我也很欣慰。。从小我就问我父亲,这是什么运动。。 他告诉我,这是一个让大马骄傲地,在世界上占有一席之地的运动!
就在我小时候,我对羽球完全都没有什么好感的,偶尔把出去打球,我跟我妈就在一旁打小球,哈哈哈! 有时都在路边和邻家小孩一起打球,想着想着都满有意思的。。。就连当今世上的羽球高手,以前也是从路边打进球场内的呢!
小时我真的很好动,什么运动都参加过。。 以前我比较偏向篮球,可是我爸都不允许我打篮球,因为我家附近的篮球场每到傍晚时分,都会聚集一些流氓,小混混的,他把我被那些人感染,跟着学坏。。 有一次不听劝告,被我爸当场抓个正着,回家藤条焖猪肉一下,取消买电脑的念头。。 从此我都不爱打篮球了。
就在我中四的时候,有一次看到羽毛球世界锦标赛,李宗伟对上陶菲克,那时的比赛触动了我。。 陶菲克的天才气质,华丽的球技,还有让全场观众都痴痴如醉的反手杀球,就在那一刻,我都被震撼了,就下决心开始打羽球。
在那时候,我就动用了我的压岁钱,买了两把Apacs 的球拍,从那开始我就开始对羽球的知识慢慢增加,认识到什么是球线的磅数,什么型号的球线, 等等。。
我有好几个朋友都已经是羽球校队的,他们就带我到拉央华小的礼堂那儿开始练球,可能是我天生的蛮力,刚开始姿势有一点不对,矫正矫正。。。 打球力度太大,放轻松。。。
我羽球之路就延续到了我上学院的时期,刚开始来到KL,人生地不熟。。。就一直上网找资料,wangsa maju附近哪儿有球馆。。。就找到了我现在都一直定期在那儿打球的KLRC Pro One badminton center。。 有一次就联络了一个人,他介绍我晚上打球,名叫peter low的team ,当时我一去到那儿,尽收眼帘的是高手如云,全部都有州级水准以上的,我的天!当时我一到那儿,那个captain 就问我,你厉不厉害?我只好硬着头皮说,我没那些人厉害,他就安排我和他的B team打,实力也是不容忽视的。。虽然是uncle.拉吊起来 累倒我半死
就在那一次,我又增广见闻了很多,全部都是我在layang看不到的东西,经验等等。。我真的很庆幸我能到KL读书,让我进不了很多。。。就在peter 的球队里面被磨练3个月,我因为资格不够而不能再继续读A-Level所以只好换读别的课程,就这样我就回去johor等多三个月再回上去。。
就在KL的三个月的磨练,Layang的人都对我刮目相看了。。。 进步了很多,我本身也是很高兴,能进步的那么多。。。 只是有待进步的空间还很多,我知道我还可以在提升的!在我再回到KL继续我的学业的同时,我上cari论坛接触了YONEX家族,这个家族很不错,让我知道许许多多yonex的技术,历史,和它的羽球产品,身为羽球界的50多年悠久历史的公司,所出产的产品都是一等一的,受到很多国家的羽球国手,业余爱好者的青睐! 我也从中知道原来它的高档球拍都不便宜,都是4百零吉以上!所以当时的我是看都不敢看的。。。因为我的习惯就是这样,要买就买好的,不然就不要买。。。
当我读diploma的时候,我被当选我课程的printing manager, 当时就是复印笔记给我课程的学生,帐单里都有从中抽comission的,可以当我的额外收入,所以当时就想,既然都有额外的收入,干脆就给自己买一把我偶像-李宗伟的羽球拍 Yonex Armortec-900 Power 。。。
所以当时存了差不多两个月的佣金,加上亲戚有时会给我的零用钱。。就在去年的7月份买了一把armortec 900 power, 高兴得不得了! 当时有一点不适应,因为这把拍本身就是重型武器,所以从轻的羽球拍,突然间转去重拍,有一点不适应,还有一次就因为球拍本身的问题,挥了拍一下,就把球拍的中杆给扭裂了。。。
当时的我心情真的是down到没话可说,加上final exam就快到了,完全没心情读书! 当时我听我朋友说,如果球拍在拍框以下的地方受伤或者断掉了。。可以拿去sunrise(yonex的大马代理商) claim回一把新的,我一听到这个消息后,整个人就是重燃希望,决定拿去试一试,到最后还是给我换到了一把新的球拍回来!哈哈哈~ 真的是谢天谢地,到现在这一把拍还是完好无损,至今已经一年多了,除了就是拍柄裂开换过,拍框有一点吃线的迹象,都没什么大碍了。。。
在KL打了一年的羽球了,什么大事小事都看过了。。。 东奔西跑的,认识了很多的球友,球技也提升了很多,唯一我最在意的还是我的反手球,还有待加强!几时才能像陶菲克一样呢?完全是遥不可及,就因为一年以来太过注重于羽球,我的学业差一点都荒废了。。。最近几个月才稳定下来,现在都比较固定了,专注于几个比较好的球友。。 定时的打球,没什么东奔西跑了。。
因为我本身都知道我没那个时间在去耗了。。 而且现在是我学业的高峰期了,最多能参加一些课外活动,社团来解解闷。。。
今天好像废话特别的多,等下po 上去了给朋友们,只怕他们都嫌弃看那么长的blog
接下来,介绍一下我在Popular Book Fest@KLCC 买回来的CD !
Essential Music << 最近需要一些这些放慢步调的音乐来舒解紧张的生活! 我个人强力推荐的!RM32.90 , 非常值得!
不是吧?就那么短的一篇blog, 用眼睛瞄几下随便给个comment都好啦! 敷衍我都不可以哦!
心里话: 今天对不起我的banana 的朋友,知道你们会给我comment,可是今天打华语,怕你们不知道。。 如果等下还有心情再写下去,我会translate去英文给你们的!
羽球,众所周知。。。 简着来说,就是人们在球场里面,面对面拿着球拍,挥打有羽毛的球。。。
马来西亚算是在世界上拥有羽球五大强国的国家,这一点我也很欣慰。。从小我就问我父亲,这是什么运动。。 他告诉我,这是一个让大马骄傲地,在世界上占有一席之地的运动!
就在我小时候,我对羽球完全都没有什么好感的,偶尔把出去打球,我跟我妈就在一旁打小球,哈哈哈! 有时都在路边和邻家小孩一起打球,想着想着都满有意思的。。。就连当今世上的羽球高手,以前也是从路边打进球场内的呢!
小时我真的很好动,什么运动都参加过。。 以前我比较偏向篮球,可是我爸都不允许我打篮球,因为我家附近的篮球场每到傍晚时分,都会聚集一些流氓,小混混的,他把我被那些人感染,跟着学坏。。 有一次不听劝告,被我爸当场抓个正着,回家藤条焖猪肉一下,取消买电脑的念头。。 从此我都不爱打篮球了。
就在我中四的时候,有一次看到羽毛球世界锦标赛,李宗伟对上陶菲克,那时的比赛触动了我。。 陶菲克的天才气质,华丽的球技,还有让全场观众都痴痴如醉的反手杀球,就在那一刻,我都被震撼了,就下决心开始打羽球。
在那时候,我就动用了我的压岁钱,买了两把Apacs 的球拍,从那开始我就开始对羽球的知识慢慢增加,认识到什么是球线的磅数,什么型号的球线, 等等。。
我有好几个朋友都已经是羽球校队的,他们就带我到拉央华小的礼堂那儿开始练球,可能是我天生的蛮力,刚开始姿势有一点不对,矫正矫正。。。 打球力度太大,放轻松。。。
我羽球之路就延续到了我上学院的时期,刚开始来到KL,人生地不熟。。。就一直上网找资料,wangsa maju附近哪儿有球馆。。。就找到了我现在都一直定期在那儿打球的KLRC Pro One badminton center。。 有一次就联络了一个人,他介绍我晚上打球,名叫peter low的team ,当时我一去到那儿,尽收眼帘的是高手如云,全部都有州级水准以上的,我的天!当时我一到那儿,那个captain 就问我,你厉不厉害?我只好硬着头皮说,我没那些人厉害,他就安排我和他的B team打,实力也是不容忽视的。。虽然是uncle.拉吊起来 累倒我半死
就在那一次,我又增广见闻了很多,全部都是我在layang看不到的东西,经验等等。。我真的很庆幸我能到KL读书,让我进不了很多。。。就在peter 的球队里面被磨练3个月,我因为资格不够而不能再继续读A-Level所以只好换读别的课程,就这样我就回去johor等多三个月再回上去。。
就在KL的三个月的磨练,Layang的人都对我刮目相看了。。。 进步了很多,我本身也是很高兴,能进步的那么多。。。 只是有待进步的空间还很多,我知道我还可以在提升的!在我再回到KL继续我的学业的同时,我上cari论坛接触了YONEX家族,这个家族很不错,让我知道许许多多yonex的技术,历史,和它的羽球产品,身为羽球界的50多年悠久历史的公司,所出产的产品都是一等一的,受到很多国家的羽球国手,业余爱好者的青睐! 我也从中知道原来它的高档球拍都不便宜,都是4百零吉以上!所以当时的我是看都不敢看的。。。因为我的习惯就是这样,要买就买好的,不然就不要买。。。
当我读diploma的时候,我被当选我课程的printing manager, 当时就是复印笔记给我课程的学生,帐单里都有从中抽comission的,可以当我的额外收入,所以当时就想,既然都有额外的收入,干脆就给自己买一把我偶像-李宗伟的羽球拍 Yonex Armortec-900 Power 。。。
所以当时存了差不多两个月的佣金,加上亲戚有时会给我的零用钱。。就在去年的7月份买了一把armortec 900 power, 高兴得不得了! 当时有一点不适应,因为这把拍本身就是重型武器,所以从轻的羽球拍,突然间转去重拍,有一点不适应,还有一次就因为球拍本身的问题,挥了拍一下,就把球拍的中杆给扭裂了。。。
当时的我心情真的是down到没话可说,加上final exam就快到了,完全没心情读书! 当时我听我朋友说,如果球拍在拍框以下的地方受伤或者断掉了。。可以拿去sunrise(yonex的大马代理商) claim回一把新的,我一听到这个消息后,整个人就是重燃希望,决定拿去试一试,到最后还是给我换到了一把新的球拍回来!哈哈哈~ 真的是谢天谢地,到现在这一把拍还是完好无损,至今已经一年多了,除了就是拍柄裂开换过,拍框有一点吃线的迹象,都没什么大碍了。。。
在KL打了一年的羽球了,什么大事小事都看过了。。。 东奔西跑的,认识了很多的球友,球技也提升了很多,唯一我最在意的还是我的反手球,还有待加强!几时才能像陶菲克一样呢?完全是遥不可及,就因为一年以来太过注重于羽球,我的学业差一点都荒废了。。。最近几个月才稳定下来,现在都比较固定了,专注于几个比较好的球友。。 定时的打球,没什么东奔西跑了。。
因为我本身都知道我没那个时间在去耗了。。 而且现在是我学业的高峰期了,最多能参加一些课外活动,社团来解解闷。。。
今天好像废话特别的多,等下po 上去了给朋友们,只怕他们都嫌弃看那么长的blog
接下来,介绍一下我在Popular Book Fest@KLCC 买回来的CD !
Essential Music << 最近需要一些这些放慢步调的音乐来舒解紧张的生活! 我个人强力推荐的!RM32.90 , 非常值得!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Inevitable destiny
For a few weeks of torture, assignment , coursework , mid-term and blah blah blah , finally finished! Two more weeks , final exam will officially intruded to my life ! another nightmare is falling down, just feel like... Havent enjoy my life fully yet in this semester, already want to face the end of it. This semester , significantly reduced the gathering times with my classmate to hanging around to cheong k , watch movie , gai gai and etc. Quite pity.. T_T
But this semester I was managed to control the frequencies to play badminton, just few weeks more want to sit for exam already, no choice gotta sacrifice badminton for one month ,I believe my skill will drop down after that few weeks.. This is my destiny , cant be avoid....
Why the college have to adjust to 60/40 weightage in Final exam? 60% for final exam , coursework marks consist 40% in final exam , maybe the time wouldn't be so loose after change to this scheme, but it's helped me a lot in my final exam , maybe like me, didnt put too many effort to my coursework, but then lotsa course (now the term for college was changed,subject now called as "course" , course is now so-called "program" ) also get 20%++ in the final exam, which mean I have to put some effort more in my final exam, score 30-40%++ mean can passed the course ady !
To Mr.Derrick,
I was felt like quite guilty ,because the LS and MPO subject , I wasn't take part a lot when we having discussion, like LS our grp got the highest marks, but then I felt that ,this wasn't the marks which I should deserved to.
If next time I got chance to be same group with you, I swear I wouldn't be like that anymore. Not like "someone" that I was really witnessed her leave, when the last time we discuss MPO video in the canteen 1 there.... I was try to involve in the discussion, as we knew, you and Mano are damn clever students, I just cant compare with you two. Hahaha
Meanwhile, I found some photo in my hand phone, quite memorable..
Hahahahaha !!!!! "yi song" baby , my frd auntie's baby
actually the position of that baby was higher than my frd, can said is my frd uncle XD
I was very fond of him, because his face was so cuteeeee !!! Baby fat some more, and got some tooth which havent fully grow out 1,hahaha~ This photo was took when last 2 years, we celebrate Qiu Rong b'day , I just carried him and take a photo, cheeseee !!
My frd's sister still got the photo printed out, frame it and put it on above of their house TV
Next photo, yi song still dont know how to walk yet at before, he was like to crawl around , I was follow his butt and took a photo,hahaha ! I'm damn like small kid , i am the so-called "babysitter" around my neighborhood !
These photos were 1-2 years ago, quite missing this guy ! Now he learnt how to walk, talk, and hit ppl some more =.=" But then his cuteness still kept at there , hahaha... I like to cubit cubit his face, which he dont like ppl to do it to him, will keep crying one LOL!
Today this post was the longest post that I was written, got a lot of thing in my mind, the most tightest moment of final exam, I just cant believe that pertama complex's perfect sports having a mega discount of racquet in this moment, a lot of high-end racquet was damn cheap now ! what the fxxk !? Even like last time my Armortec-900 Power was bought RM550 , now they selling it RM500... jesus...
By the way, last Wednesday I was spoiled my at-900p holder again, the holder was cracked and loosen already, lagi epic fxxking emo now ! This week gotta handle it to my frd and fix it again, SHIT ! Have to waste RM35 more now.
Recently troublesome things were came out and influence me all the time, especially the relationship between boy and girl. Maybe I should borrow the "Law of Attraction" from Derrick , hehe~ Actually I was very freaking out to face these love love thing, but this should disappear from my mind now, or I just put it aside now because the final exam is around the corner, dont let someone to influence me, hahaha...
The meaning for me to write the blog, actually I also dont know... Maybe this is the only place that I can spit out all my mind, or just half only. Like my blog name, michael "frame of mind" , hehe~
Now I gotta handle all my subjects , among all the subject, I think MPO and OFI are the most difficult subject, perhaps theory thing can say piece of cake to me, but then OFI was all consists of those financial institution thing, yucks ! If I want to manage to understand OFI, gotta taken me ages ... MPO, hmmm sound good, lot of application , after definition , explanation , have to put in examples some more, can say common sense subject, can utter a lot of nonsense, but the marking scheme wont allow us to do that.
countdown in two more weeks, officially announce my doomsday is coming ! Tempus fugit, so fast I was going to sit for year 2 sem 1 final exam already... the timetable is like following:-
05/09- Financial Accounting
08/09- Lending and Securities
10/09- Tamadun Islam and Asia
12/09- Operation of Financial Institution
15/09- Principles of Investment
18/09- Managing People in Organisation
Totally 6 subjects for this final exam, before that I was register to sit for my failed subject-Business Statistics , but then when the resit bill released, no people inform me, caused me cant catch up the deadline of the payment, missed the chance to resit that subject, thanks to Mr.Looi =.=!
Roughly, this semester was pass through without any easy.. 40% weightage of coursework, if cant passed , have to repeat the subject, gila babi one ...
so early already, gotta study my LS 1st, good morning !~
But this semester I was managed to control the frequencies to play badminton, just few weeks more want to sit for exam already, no choice gotta sacrifice badminton for one month ,I believe my skill will drop down after that few weeks.. This is my destiny , cant be avoid....
Why the college have to adjust to 60/40 weightage in Final exam? 60% for final exam , coursework marks consist 40% in final exam , maybe the time wouldn't be so loose after change to this scheme, but it's helped me a lot in my final exam , maybe like me, didnt put too many effort to my coursework, but then lotsa course (now the term for college was changed,subject now called as "course" , course is now so-called "program" ) also get 20%++ in the final exam, which mean I have to put some effort more in my final exam, score 30-40%++ mean can passed the course ady !
To Mr.Derrick,
I was felt like quite guilty ,because the LS and MPO subject , I wasn't take part a lot when we having discussion, like LS our grp got the highest marks, but then I felt that ,this wasn't the marks which I should deserved to.
If next time I got chance to be same group with you, I swear I wouldn't be like that anymore. Not like "someone" that I was really witnessed her leave, when the last time we discuss MPO video in the canteen 1 there.... I was try to involve in the discussion, as we knew, you and Mano are damn clever students, I just cant compare with you two. Hahaha
Meanwhile, I found some photo in my hand phone, quite memorable..
Hahahahaha !!!!! "yi song" baby , my frd auntie's baby
actually the position of that baby was higher than my frd, can said is my frd uncle XD
I was very fond of him, because his face was so cuteeeee !!! Baby fat some more, and got some tooth which havent fully grow out 1,hahaha~ This photo was took when last 2 years, we celebrate Qiu Rong b'day , I just carried him and take a photo, cheeseee !!
My frd's sister still got the photo printed out, frame it and put it on above of their house TV
Next photo, yi song still dont know how to walk yet at before, he was like to crawl around , I was follow his butt and took a photo,hahaha ! I'm damn like small kid , i am the so-called "babysitter" around my neighborhood !
These photos were 1-2 years ago, quite missing this guy ! Now he learnt how to walk, talk, and hit ppl some more =.=" But then his cuteness still kept at there , hahaha... I like to cubit cubit his face, which he dont like ppl to do it to him, will keep crying one LOL!
Today this post was the longest post that I was written, got a lot of thing in my mind, the most tightest moment of final exam, I just cant believe that pertama complex's perfect sports having a mega discount of racquet in this moment, a lot of high-end racquet was damn cheap now ! what the fxxk !? Even like last time my Armortec-900 Power was bought RM550 , now they selling it RM500... jesus...
By the way, last Wednesday I was spoiled my at-900p holder again, the holder was cracked and loosen already, lagi epic fxxking emo now ! This week gotta handle it to my frd and fix it again, SHIT ! Have to waste RM35 more now.
Recently troublesome things were came out and influence me all the time, especially the relationship between boy and girl. Maybe I should borrow the "Law of Attraction" from Derrick , hehe~ Actually I was very freaking out to face these love love thing, but this should disappear from my mind now, or I just put it aside now because the final exam is around the corner, dont let someone to influence me, hahaha...
The meaning for me to write the blog, actually I also dont know... Maybe this is the only place that I can spit out all my mind, or just half only. Like my blog name, michael "frame of mind" , hehe~
Now I gotta handle all my subjects , among all the subject, I think MPO and OFI are the most difficult subject, perhaps theory thing can say piece of cake to me, but then OFI was all consists of those financial institution thing, yucks ! If I want to manage to understand OFI, gotta taken me ages ... MPO, hmmm sound good, lot of application , after definition , explanation , have to put in examples some more, can say common sense subject, can utter a lot of nonsense, but the marking scheme wont allow us to do that.
countdown in two more weeks, officially announce my doomsday is coming ! Tempus fugit, so fast I was going to sit for year 2 sem 1 final exam already... the timetable is like following:-
05/09- Financial Accounting
08/09- Lending and Securities
10/09- Tamadun Islam and Asia
12/09- Operation of Financial Institution
15/09- Principles of Investment
18/09- Managing People in Organisation
Totally 6 subjects for this final exam, before that I was register to sit for my failed subject-Business Statistics , but then when the resit bill released, no people inform me, caused me cant catch up the deadline of the payment, missed the chance to resit that subject, thanks to Mr.Looi =.=!
Roughly, this semester was pass through without any easy.. 40% weightage of coursework, if cant passed , have to repeat the subject, gila babi one ...
so early already, gotta study my LS 1st, good morning !~
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
FHM2009 @ KLCC !!!!
yeah, just back from FHM 2009 @ KLCC , The Mines and Midvalley !
the FHM 2009 quite nice, a lot of sampling let the visitors to try it out ! hahaha..
the exhibition quite big, the size maybe cant compare with PC fair , just big also ! hahahaha~
Took many photo also !
cute dog cake !
Big castle cake !
Various type of seafood !
Scallop , abalone , king crab
Kari Kapitan
Dragon Cake
Modern Chinese 3-course set
Doggie Cake !
This flower cake very pretty !
Still got lotsa photo , lazy to upload to my blog... want to view it more, go to my Facebook photo there
the FHM 2009 quite nice, a lot of sampling let the visitors to try it out ! hahaha..
the exhibition quite big, the size maybe cant compare with PC fair , just big also ! hahahaha~
Took many photo also !
cute dog cake !
Big castle cake !
Various type of seafood !
Scallop , abalone , king crab
Kari Kapitan
Dragon Cake
Modern Chinese 3-course set
Doggie Cake !
This flower cake very pretty !
Still got lotsa photo , lazy to upload to my blog... want to view it more, go to my Facebook photo there
Monday, August 10, 2009
decided quit badminton for a while...
Last sat , I joined my SWC activities day, one of the games---> Caterpillar
gila betul, Our chairperson--- Mr. Ong Tzong Meng, used his leg grab on my waist,as fulcrum after finished the game, my waist damn pain, after that Sunday played badminton, ran too many, caused the leg damn injured.. so gonna stop badminton at least one month , omg
It's good also, I can focus at the recently incoming Financial Accounting Coursework 3...
God bless me, hope I can know how to do it....
Last week nothing special happened... the photo from Activities Day still pending, I will get it as soon as possible from my senior !
gila betul, Our chairperson--- Mr. Ong Tzong Meng, used his leg grab on my waist,as fulcrum after finished the game, my waist damn pain, after that Sunday played badminton, ran too many, caused the leg damn injured.. so gonna stop badminton at least one month , omg
It's good also, I can focus at the recently incoming Financial Accounting Coursework 3...
God bless me, hope I can know how to do it....
Last week nothing special happened... the photo from Activities Day still pending, I will get it as soon as possible from my senior !
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Nice CAR!!!!
I was so fond of those sporty car , yeah... my baby !
post some nice car at here... hahaha
celakak , RM 449 one unit... master grade 1
Epic betul picture ini , WOKSYOP, from one of our college workshop.. haha~
post some nice car at here... hahaha
Took all these from times square , in the mazda car exhibition
recently i was fell in love with those gundam model , quite expensive if want to buy one, hahaha~celakak , RM 449 one unit... master grade 1
Some miscellaneous picture..
Handphone cleaner , thx to Mun Ling gave me this 1
Handphone cleaner , thx to Mun Ling gave me this 1
Epic betul picture ini , WOKSYOP, from one of our college workshop.. haha~
Frustrated Mind...
Yesterday FA tutorial, tutor mentioned my name for me due to my coursework 1 + 2 didnt pass 50 marks , it's was quite sad to me. After that, my mind been set, it's time for me to work hard, cant fooling around anymore....
By the way, all of my FA group members , we should not felt sad to our result, even though it's quite low, so we gotta put more effort in the FA now ! Dont let tutor disappointed , dont dispute by the CW mark. We can change it to our motivation force, push us brutally to study !
Once again, I very happy to co-operate with you guys ! It should be one of my favorite memory in my life. Thanks !
In the other hand, I found some photo from my handphone , all of these were the orientation day photo , from preparation until the actual day !
By the way, all of my FA group members , we should not felt sad to our result, even though it's quite low, so we gotta put more effort in the FA now ! Dont let tutor disappointed , dont dispute by the CW mark. We can change it to our motivation force, push us brutally to study !
Once again, I very happy to co-operate with you guys ! It should be one of my favorite memory in my life. Thanks !
In the other hand, I found some photo from my handphone , all of these were the orientation day photo , from preparation until the actual day !
The preparation day
I went up to the top of the stage to tie the banner, it's quite high... freaking out
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