Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Midterm Test, and Quiz

Finally, times flies by and it's Thursday tomorrow !
My badminton training, haha.
But I was quite fuzzed about what I hd to face at tomorrow.
Computer, Systems, and Application midterm test and Business Mathematics quiz

CSA---> Quite easy, just piece of cake, like the subject learned in TARC before, BITA. The previous two quizzes were answered by me also instead of whole group member. I believe that I can score A in this subject.

Biz. Maths---> Quite worry, Maths always is my weakest subject. Just luckily that I met lot of tough questions and felt that I can handled the question. But from the experience from my class mate, they already sat for quiz but it's just way to hard. My lecturer said that not even single people get more than 15 marks out of 30. WTF !

Maths's quiz conduct in tutorial class 1-2pm , which I wasn't that anxious about the time management for the quiz.

CSA midterm test start at 8pm, which just after badminton training time, 7pm. Perhaps quite rush, but I wouldn't doubt about my speed back to uni to take the test, problem is after sweating, should I just go straightly to Uni and take the exam with a smelly body ? The answer is, YES I SHOULD . Make this as the bombshell for tonight, LOL !

Anyway, wish me good luck