Forgive my laziness !!!~~~ so now , I going update a bit about recent thing ...
Just for one post only, because quite lazy to update whole thing , but I want to update a bit by a bit..
First.... sure is my SBS SWC Fund Raising !! haha.. Below is the photos that when we preparing the booth for the Fund Raising !!
Next , shall be our actual day ! FUND RAISING 2009 !! Our stall name quite funny , DotA kaki sure very familiar with this name one...
our booth name is .... GG !!! hahaha... very strange but meaningful to us~
The Day when we opening our booth !
Our board !!
The Facial Mask that we selling 1...
I like this curry fishball, know what ? Cooked by me! and it is quite tasty too !!
Sandwich !! Prepared by Jesse
The days that we passed for the FR , quite meaningful and memorable to me... It's a good experience to me, as well as my members !!
Plus , I cooked the curry fishball , then I in charge the Cup-Bon , which is rolling ice a.k.a Ice-Blended .. haha~ When I was standing outside promote, keep shouting "Rolling Ice,Rolling Ice !! " , after the week for FR , my mind keep appearing "Rolling Ice, Rolling Ice !" ... cant stand it at all...